However, a lot of individuals who were victims of countless infidelity in their relationships often are misled to the vague and false conclusion that true love does not exist. Some go further to defend their course by saying "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, as an epitome of true love is a fantasy and a fiction that exist in a dream world. I actually feel your pain, haven experience that true love does not exist and now you have given up all hopes that no one is worth the love in you.
I will just like to use two concept to explain if true love does exist or not. I know these concept might seem very unrelated but they is always a truth in the things we don't seem to look into. These concepts are simply "Fact" and the "Truth".
The facts is what we see, what we feel due to disappointments or assumptions. This fact look so real and undeniable but it is simply an illusion. We most at times confuse the fact with the truth, the facts are what we always see and believe which might not necessary be the truth. The fact is you have being into series of relationships that never end well, often broken hearted and now you have given up on love.
Nevertheless, the good news is that the fact is not always the truth. The truth is that thing that we sometimes don't see in a new light, something that is beyond our views, it never brags so it decide to lay low and reveal itself at the right time. The truth is that true love does exist but the fact is that you have not meet the right person. The truth is that all those relationships you had are not the right one, the fact is that you thought you have found love, the truth is that a true lover does not leave you and even if he/she does, they will come begging and the fact is that he who pretends to love you will never come back the moment he/she is gone.
So the question I have is that, have you shutdown the door for love? Well if you have, I want you to know that it is not worth it. Love is something you should open your arms for, you can't hurt yourself for the sake of others, true love does exist and it will come your way if you put in the right attitude. By putting on the right attitude I mean, looking happy, hanging out with friends and doing away with isolation, loving yourself, appearing descent and appealing and then forgetting the past but not without learning some fundamental lessons from it.
Therefore, I want you to shake up yourself, sit down and draw out the reasons for your broken relationships, is the fault from you, what are those mistakes you have made in the past, work on them and think highly of yourself and others. Don't look at new friends and admirers in the former eyes of being unworthy of your love, you had to turn on a new leaf, care about everything, laugh about anything funny, smile to make people comfortable around you and then that true love you think does not exist will come knocking at your door.
In conclusion, Love is a fruit we all hunger and desire for, it makes our lives so beautiful and fun, so never shut the door for love, cos if you can't give it, you cannot have it. Thank you and tell us if this content is helpful.
Does True Love Exist?
Reviewed by Unknown

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