The great inventors never did wake up just one-day to invent, it has to do with vigorous works and ingredients they put in to achieve result. As easy at it seems to say I want to be this and that, only few can hit the mark as success is never achieve by word of mouth but rather the four important Ds. I am using the point of view or experience of those who had succeed to write to you if you desire to excel in your life struggle and be the best among your peers, then you will have to apply these tips which are Desire, Diligence, Dedication and Determination.
The first thing you require to Excel is "desire". You must have something you are targeting to be able to accomplish it, if you still don't have a desire then how can you have a target and then how can you ascertain if you have hit the target you aimed for? Desire is absolutely that propeller that propels you to achieve.
Everyone that ever excel has a desire and that desire gives him/her a target. Albert Einstein have the desire to invent something that lights up his room, and that gives him the target called the "Bulb", Karl Marx has a desire for a classless society and that gave him a target called "Socialism", The Wright brothers has their desire to fly and that gave them a target of an "airplane" and many more successful individuals have the same story. So if you want to achieve something, you must first desire to accomplish what you plan for.
Now that you have being able to identify what you desire, you must be able to back it up with Diligence. The diligence is the combination of carefulness and long-term effort towards achieving something. This requires being a rational in decision making which entails, on what are you going to invest your money, spend your time, or what to do and at what time to do it.
Diligence requires paying careful attention to the things surrounding your business, family, academics, relationships etc which has to be consistent. As a student you have to be diligent enough to know when it's the right time to concentrate and when to do otherwise, as an entrepreneur you have to be able to identify which strategy will work the most in increasing your customer base and which will not, and as a wife you have to know when to tell a child to do this and not to do that. This all comes with being able to study your environment and the happenings consistently. To simply put it together, you must be rational in your decision making if you really want to excel.
Being dedicated involve committing oneself to a course of action or giving your time to something, which is the most important resource which once lost can not be regain. For the Mc Donald brand to be built into the biggest franchise in the world, it took time and commitment, For Albert Einstein to invent the bulb it took him time and commitment , For a professor to get his title, it took him years of studies and meaningful contribution to his field of study which means he is committed to his course, so is it required of everyone who wish to Excel.
To be dedicated entails you giving up the unnecessary and focusing on the necessary. You have to commit yourself into building your brand, your family or your academics. Being successful sometimes entails giving your your friendship and relationships that are unprofitable.
To be determined can be seen in the light of ending up something, setting up your boundaries or limit. If you end something it means you have achieved it, this comes by never giving up but by constant effort and energy geared into achieving your goals.
While Albert Einstein was inventing the bulb he tried it 99 times which all failed, but in the last trial he was able to arrive at his target which is the bulb. When asked he said he never did failed but only discovered how you cannot make a bulb 99 ways, Professor Woke Soyinka wrote exams 7 times before he was able to secured admission.
These four Ds are like the 10 commandment if you break one you break all. All of them are dependent on each other, but if you think otherwise, then show me someone who has achieved or attained the ladder of success without this fundamental element and I will show you a man who depend on others.
Hope this article help you achieve something? And please get commenting and share with friends. Thank you.
The Secret of the Successful Individuals: 4D's of Success
Reviewed by Unknown

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