Those put on trial include Peter Jasek, a Czech aid worker, Rev Hassan Abduraheem Kodi Taour and Rev Kuwa Shamal, Sudanese pastors from the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan and Abdulmonem Abdumawla Issa Abdumawla, a Darfuri student. They have been accused of carrying out intelligence activities and dispensing material support to rebels forces which are a false allegations labeled against them by Sudanese government.
They have being in custody for 10 month now. It was reported that the prosecution presented photos and videos before the court, which he claimed showed Jasek in the Nuba mountains with a US medial relief agency. There are large numbers of Christians living in these mountains. What is more the prosecutor argued that the US medical relief agency had an intention to interview civilians that it believed had been tortured.
During the case hearing, many western diplomats were present in the court as they heard the case against the Christians. In case they are proved guilty and convicted, they are likely to be handed down capital punishment.
The prosecution further claimed that the four Christians were picturing fake videos of genocide and killings of civilians, torching of villages and persecution of Christians. They were further accused of deliberately attempting to tarnish the image of Sudanese government by means of disseminating false information.
It is with utmost sincerity I want to present this case to you, that the so-called Peter Jasek who is accused of sponsoring a rebel group by the Sudanese government is a missionary and someone I knew much, haven being one of the beneficiary of his work which aims at helping the sons and daughters of the persecuted church here in Nigeria.
I schooled in Stephen Centre international College, an arm of the Voice of the Christian Martyrs (VOM), which is under the control of Rev Isaac O Newton Wusu who sees raising and schooling the sons and daughters of the persecuted church, teaching them the art of forgiving those who killed their parent on a religious basis as his sole aim. It is in this school I first met Peter Jasek, and since then he has being a good man who don't deserve the charges press against him and his colleagues.
It is quite unfortunate that the good people that aim at seeing the world becoming a better place are victimize instead of being awarded, we live in an era where doing good has become evil. However, does that mean we should fold our hands to see good people suffering for helping the poor and the weak? Should those people speaking up for the wrongs done to others be allowed to be imprisoned? The answer is absolutely No.
So I am calling on everyone, whether a Christian or not, to fight for the release of these innocent individuals. Please let's keep the struggle with the hashtag #SudanFreePeterJasek+others on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. I look up to see you join the struggle. Thank you.
Four Christians Put on Trial in Sudan for Emphasizing Christian Persecution
Reviewed by Unknown

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