Purported rise in vaginal cancer, a hoax

by Dorcas Egede And Doris Ofoeze
Against the backdrop of a raging rumour that vaginal cancer, caused by soap douching of the private part, is on the rise in the country, Dorcas Egede and Doris Ofoeze sought out the views of Dr Kehinde Okunade, lecturer/consultant, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, College of Medicine, University of Lagos. He spoke on the causes, prevention and treatment amongst other issues.
Not too long ago, a message circulated on the social media warning of vaginal cancer and cautioning the female-folk on the use of soap (of any kind) in washing their vagina. The message went further to warn that there is a particular chemical in soaps generally, that is dangerous and which possibly causes the cancer. It further said cases of cancer of the vagina are on the rise in most of the government hospitals, including teaching hospitals and general hospitals.
The message actually began with the lead: This is a serious caution from medical practitioners (LUTH) to all female beings, be it infant, baby girl, ladies, and mothers.
Even before this particular one was ascribed to medical practitioners in LUTH, several other such warnings had pervaded the various social media, especially facebook and WhatsApp but many began to take it seriously after this last post.
Many have however dismissed it as another social media hoax, saying there is nothing like vaginal cancer and that it must be cervical cancer, which to some extent is already well-known.
A quick online search however showed that indeed there is a disease called vaginal cancer, as distinct from cervical cancer.
Online medical journal, MedicineNet wrote: Vaginal Cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the vagina. Vaginal cancer is not common. (But) When found in the early stages, it can often be cured. There are two main types of vaginal cancer: Squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.
According to Dr Kehinde Okunade, lecturer/consultant, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, College of Medicine, University of Lagos/ Lagos University Teaching Hospital, vaginal cancer is an abnormal growth of cells of the vagina. It is a rare gynaecological tumours accounting for only 1-2% of all gynaecological cancers and usually occur in the sixth decade of human life between 60-65 years.
Okunade says little is known of vaginal cancer, except that it shares similarities with cancer of the neck of the womb (cervix).
On the spreading (social Media) rumour that soap douching the private part predisposes the female-folk to vaginal cancer, Okunade said there is no evidence to that effect.
He also stated unequivocally that “No, the number of cases of vaginal cancer seen in our hospitals has not increased in recent time,” sweeping the carpet off the feet of the rumour mongers. Is there increase number of cases of vaginal cancer in hospitals?
Nevertheless, he warned that “women are strongly advised against douching or genital watching with soap as it can predispose them to various types of vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis. During douching, there is a clearance of certain protective bacteria of the vaginal, which then create room for the harmful germs to grow uncontrollably.”
He explained that as symptoms, “a woman who has vaginal cancer may give a complaint of vaginal discharge, which is usually offensive or blood-stained and occasionally bleeding after sexual intercourse. There may be urinary or rectal symptoms in advanced cases.”
For clinical signs, the doctor said a growth is usually seen or felt in the vagina on examination. “It may be ulcerative or friable. It may also bleed readily to touch. The neck of the womb should also be carefully examined to exclude its involvement.
The test for vaginal cancer, he said, involves taking of a small sample of the mass of tissues in the vaginal (biopsy) and then sending it for a test called histology. “The procedure is usually done in theatre while the patient is sleeping and the final test entails looking at a prepared sample of the tissues under the microscope by the Pathologists, who may then tell if there are cancer cells or not and the type, if present.”
Okunade is of the opinion that vaginal cancer is an extremely difficult cancer to treat. He said “definitive treatment in the early stage involves the removal of the womb and the vaginal and other surrounding tissues. However, for majority of our patients who usually present in the late or advanced stages of the disease where cure is virtually not possible any longer; treatment option is mainly radiotherapy. The treatment-related complications can be very significant. Sexual dysfunction due to shortened vaginal length and damage to the bladder and rectum are not infrequent.
Chances of survival
“The survival rate of vaginal cancer, just like cervical cancer, depends mainly on the stage at presentation and treatment; and it is calculated in terms of how many treated patients were able to survive beyond 5 years. Women who are diagnosed with the earlier stages of the disease have better survival rates compared to women at the later stages.” Okunade said. He also revealed that the quoted overall five-year survival rate is 30%.
“Cancers that originates primarily from the vaginal are extremely rare. Majority of cases of cancers seen in the vaginal are from the neck of the womb (cervix), therefore strategies to prevent vaginal cancer are mainly directed at preventing cancer of the cervix and these may include lifestyle changes such as minimising the numbers of sex partners, avoidance of smoking, treatment of HIV infection in women who are positive and the control of diabetes. Other recommended strategies include having regular cervical screenings such as Pap smear and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) test among others.
“We can also prevent vaginal cancer through immunisation of adolescent and younger girls (before the age 27 years and before any sexual exposure) with the HPV vaccines, which can provide lifetime immunity against the acquisition of the causative virus of cervical cancer and thus indirectly vaginal cancer. “
On his advice to the public regarding vaginal cancer, especially on the backdrop of the raging rumour, the consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist said “Cancer originating primarily from the vaginal is extremely rare.
He however said it is important for members of the public to know that just like any woman who has ever had sex is at risk of having cervical cancer; they are also at the risk of having vaginal cancer. Regular cervical screening tests, such as Pap smear, are the best ways of preventing cervical cancer. Getting an abnormal or positive screening test does NOT mean a woman has cancer. It just means that you are finding a potential problem now, which should be treated, before it is too late. Women should also generally remember that “PREVENTION IS CHEAPER THAN CURE”.
Lifestyle changes such as avoidance of multiple sexual partners and smoking will also play very significant roles in its prevention – he said

Purported rise in vaginal cancer, a hoax Purported rise in vaginal cancer, a hoax Reviewed by Unknown on 01:48:00 Rating: 5

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